Nonlinear buckling of imperfect eccentrically stiffened metal-ceramic-metal S-FGM thin circular cylindrical shells with temperature-dependent properties in thermal environments

In this paper, an analytical approach is presented to investigate the nonlinear static buckling for imperfect eccentrically stiffened functionally graded thin circular cylindrical shells with temperature-dependent properties surrounded on elastic foundation in thermal environment. Both shells and stiffeners are deformed simultaneously due to temperature. Material properties are graded in the thickness direction according to a Sigmoid power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of constituents (S-FGM) with metal-ceramic-metal layers. The Lekhnitsky smeared stiffeners technique with Pasternak type elastic foundation, stress function and the Bubnov-Galerkin method are applied. Numerical results are given for evaluating effects of temperature, material and geometrical properties, elastic foundations and eccentrically outside stiffeners on the buckling and post-buckling of the S-FGM shells. The obtained results are validated by comparing with those in the literature


Nonlinear buckling of imperfect eccentrically stiffened metal-ceramic-metal S-FGM thin circular cylindrical shells with temperature-dependent properties in thermal environments
Authors: Duc, Nguyen Dinh
Thang, Pham Toan
Keywords: Eccentrically stiffened cylindrical shells
Elastic foundation
Nonlinear buckling
S-FGM with metal-ceramic-metal layers
Thermal environment
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Citation: Scopus
Abstract: In this paper, an analytical approach is presented to investigate the nonlinear static buckling for imperfect eccentrically stiffened functionally graded thin circular cylindrical shells with temperature-dependent properties surrounded on elastic foundation in thermal environment. Both shells and stiffeners are deformed simultaneously due to temperature. Material properties are graded in the thickness direction according to a Sigmoid power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of constituents (S-FGM) with metal-ceramic-metal layers. The Lekhnitsky smeared stiffeners technique with Pasternak type elastic foundation, stress function and the Bubnov-Galerkin method are applied. Numerical results are given for evaluating effects of temperature, material and geometrical properties, elastic foundations and eccentrically outside stiffeners on the buckling and post-buckling of the S-FGM shells. The obtained results are validated by comparing with those in the literature
Description: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 81, April 2014, Pages 17-25
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
ISSN: 00207403
Appears in Collections:Bài báo của ĐHQGHN trong Scopus

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