Mechanical and thermal postbuckling of higher order shear deformable functionally graded plates on elastic foundations

This paper presents an analytical investigation on the buckling and postbuckling behaviors of thick functionally graded plates resting on elastic foundations and subjected to in-plane compressive, thermal and thermomechanical loads. Material properties are assumed to be temperature independent, and graded in the thickness direction according to a simple power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of constituents. The formulations are based on higher order shear deformation plate theory taking into account Von Karman nonlinearity, initial geometrical imperfection and Pasternak type elastic foundation. By applying Galerkin method, closed-form relations of buckling loads and postbuckling equilibrium paths for simply supported plates are determined. Analysis is carried out to show the effects of material and geometrical properties, in-plane boundary restraint, foundation stiffness and imperfection on the buckling and postbuckling loading capacity of the plates.


Mechanical and thermal postbuckling of higher order shear deformable functionally graded plates on elastic foundations
Authors: Nguyen, Dinh Duc
Hoang, Van Tung
Keywords: Elastic foundation
Functionally graded materials
Higher order shear deformation theory
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: This paper presents an analytical investigation on the buckling and postbuckling behaviors of thick functionally graded plates resting on elastic foundations and subjected to in-plane compressive, thermal and thermomechanical loads. Material properties are assumed to be temperature independent, and graded in the thickness direction according to a simple power law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of constituents. The formulations are based on higher order shear deformation plate theory taking into account Von Karman nonlinearity, initial geometrical imperfection and Pasternak type elastic foundation. By applying Galerkin method, closed-form relations of buckling loads and postbuckling equilibrium paths for simply supported plates are determined. Analysis is carried out to show the effects of material and geometrical properties, in-plane boundary restraint, foundation stiffness and imperfection on the buckling and postbuckling loading capacity of the plates. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Description: Composite Structures 93(11), pp. 2874-2881
ISSN: 0263-8223
Appears in Collections:Bài báo của ĐHQGHN trong Scopus

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